Thursday, June 17, 2010

Documentary Evaluation

1. From whose point of view is the story of the film told?

Our documentary is told from the point of view of the students from York Mills. We initially wanted to compare religion from the point of view of adults and students, however, we ended up finding the different religions apparent in York Mills. Our documentary looks at religion from the point of view of students from the many religions at York Mills. From Hindu to Agnosticism we looked at the values that are associated with each. We were curious to find out whether religion continued to play an important role in the lives of students in the 21st century.

2. Which documentary techniques are used most effectively in this film?

Our documentary was based on interviews and answers to to the questions that were asked of the interviewees. The answers, however, were spontaneous during the interview to observe the true life with little intervention. We added voice-overs, quotes and music to add to the intimacy and revelation of the characters in the ordinary life situation. We started brainstorming a completely different idea, however, with all the difficulties encountered, we turned to religion, a topic that we know a lot about, although we were curious to know from the point of view of other students. We didn't feel storyboards were needed so late in the game. We previously had all our footage for our previous documentary, it was just necessary to put all the shots together to make the documentary. However, because of the circumstances, we were forced to film new interviews. We kept up to date with all the production logs to ensure we remained organized and on time. We edited the film to allow a more of a personal feel. To get a real sense of what religion truly means to students at York Mills. We interviewed people from different religions to ensure that every aspect was touched upon. With the addition of music it allowed for a true feel of what religion is to York Mils students. We introduced every section with a title which allows the viewers to know what questions were asked. We also decided to add a quote to catch their attention. Once our group was finally established, our cooperation was impeccable. We were able to work great as a team of two to produce our documentary.

3. How does the style of the film serve the content?

The style of our film serves our content in a very direct way. Because we were looking at the point of view of religion from the eyes of a York Mills students, we had to ask direct and sometimes controversial questions. Looking at religion from the students we decided that we were just going to observe and have the answers the questions spontaneously, rather than imposing our view on the students. We were in search of the true point of view of religion and therefore, our content was excellently depicted by this type of film and not being prominently involved. Our commentary at the beginning and the end let the viewers become aware of what our overall goal was for our documentary.

4. Who is your favorite character in the film? Why? If this were turned into a feature film, who would you cast in this part and why?

Suraya, was our favorite character in our film. During our interview with Suraya, she was very opinionated which helped us become more aware of her view on religion. Although we were not able to use all her footage, she gave us a lot of very good information, as well as a lot of footage that could have been used in our documentary. If our film were turned into a feature film, the person we would cast in this part would be Julia Robert because she is also very opinionated on their points of view. She has yet to allow a controversial topic to stop her opinion from being told, and Suraya had that kind of feel to her interview. She said all she thought was appropriate to say and it gave us a very raw and personal interview.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

3D mapping

3D mapping projection has brought technology and advertising to a whole new level. It has allowed this entertainment to rise to a new playing field. Now instead of bill-board posters sitting to the side of the road, the 3D projection offers advertising to be done pretty much anywhere. People may be struck by this incredible way of advertising on a building while walking home. This has allowed much more accessibility for companies.
Technology has changed through the years, and this is just another one of its advancements, however, is all this necessary, when there are still many incurable diseases out there that this money could go towards. Yes, it is entertainment, it shows exquisite creativity and real talent but what is the point if there are people suffering and dying around the world. I do think that this is an amazing advancement in technology and although it may cost a tremendous amount of money, the profits will most likely outweigh this. Despite this fact, I believe this money should be put towards a better use, such as medical research to ensure that the lives of the people are put first.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Everyone sees Canada as something different however the word "Canadian" cannot be defined in reference to any single factor or feature of personal attitude or loyalty. Being Canadian cannot be defined solely by reference to rituals, traditions, geography or history. Although all these factors do play a significant role in influencing Canadians. I believe the word "Canadian" involves a variety of characteristics, learnings, beliefs and values, however, not everyone may balance these factors equally when in identifying themselves. When I think of Canada, I see a family of cultures, finally accepting of one another living in harmony. I am very interested in the cultures of different people, which is why I am so pleased to live in Toronto and have friends from many cultures. This shows that Canada is willing to learn and embrace the aspects of different cultures and incorporate it in to what we see as Canada.
Canadian heroes also shape the Canadian personality and self-concept nationally and internationally by being so multicultural. With Canadian heroes coming from all walks of life and look so physically different shows the inclusiveness of Canada. It shows how Canada works as a unit to achieve an overall goal of acceptance.

I am proud to be Canadian

“Someone recently called me a ‘banana,’ yellow on the outside, white on the inside. I told him I’m Canadian on the outside and Canadian on the inside. I’m just one piece of the mosaic. In this country, we don’t all look alike.” — a second-generation Chinese-Canadian

“Canada is not a melting pot in which the individuality of each element is destroyed in order to produce a new and totally different element. It is rather a garden into which have been transplanted the hardiest and brightest flowers from many lands, each retaining in its new environment the best of the qualities for which it was loved and prized in its native land.”
— John Diefenbaker, prime minister of Canada, 1957-1963

Reel Canada

This year, in two of my classes I had the opportunity to attend the Reel Canada Film Festival. When I was in grade, ten i was also able to pay tribute to Canadian films by watching two films with many of my fellow class mates when the Reel Canada Festival came to York Mills. This year unfortunately, I was unable to attend the festival because I had a specialist appointment. In grade 10, I watched Bollywood Hollywood and Siblings; both movies that I very much enjoyed watching. Both films, gave off an extremely Canadian feel. By Canadian feel, I mean there was a deep message behind the story, however, it was filmed with very simple shots. This year I did, however, rent Bon Cop Bad Cop, and I received the same overall feel to this film as well. Bon Cop Bad Cop is the film I had wanted to watch my very first time around. Bon Cop Bad Cop allows for the viewers to get a sense of the exaggerated French and English relations in Canada; where the French hate the English and the English hate the French. The film gave the people from Quebec a kind of "bad ass" look whereas the cop from Ontario was "prim and proper". This is obviously an extreme look on the French and English relations, however a look at what has happened throughout history in Canada. I am lucky to be fluent in the French language because both of Canadian official languages (French and English) were incorporated throughout more than half of the film. Bon Cop Bad Cop should many big land marks in Quebec and Ontario which brings out true Canadianism.
Although, I would have loved to have met the people behind such a true Canadian film, I thank you for the opportunity.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reality Television

Reality television is a genre of programming that presents generally "unscripted" dramatic and humorous situations. It documents real events starring ordinary people rather than actors
but is it really reality?
This genre of television has expanded significantly is the last few years. I can be found watching reality television a lot. It is probably my favorite type of program on television because I feel as though I can moderately relate to what is happening. It is nice to know what you are watching is real, although many reality programs are becoming very scripted. Reality television can either make yourself feel good about your life, or miserable about your circumstances, depending on what your watching. I believe that reality television may be harmful to some viewers because they will be sucked in to an unattainable reality. It gets ordinary people involved and allows them exposure to new ideas. This may result in a positive or a negative outcome. The type of reality television that I recommend is the home makeover programs. They provide positive results from what is happening. Many of the makeover programs are giving people a new chance at living. Although some of these programs take it to an unguessable level which is too far. The talent reality programs give stereotypes of what is hot and what is not, which is discriminating against a large number of people. They are merely looking for one type of talent and many people are hurt along the way. The strategy building shows are entertaining to watch, however, they turn people against each other, which is entertaining to watch, however, may create staged events. With the open access to reality television, people may become obsessed and want constant exposure whether it be for a bad thing such as the family who lied about their child being lost on a hot air balloon that took flight. I find very much entertainment in watching reality television, I do not get engrossed in it which is healthy because if that weren't the case I may believe everything that is happening on the television is what ones life is truly supposed to be like. If you are able to watch reality television with an open mind and not be manipulated, I believe reality television is an entertaining and realistic type of programming.

Uninvented Technology

Technology is the cause of such wonderful advancements and development in the world. It has given us things that we have become to accustomed to and we now consider them as necessities. Technology, however, is also to blame for inventions that may not be a good idea or something that we would live better without. In my opinion, many marvelous inventions come with a few flaws. With the advancement in technological products, many things will be invented that we could live without. Not saying that things currently invented are all needed. After looking through the 12 bits of technology we should have not invented, I realized that there are many products invented that we would live better without. I had never really sat down and said to myself that an invention causes more harm than good. I have always just wondered to myself, "Why couldn't I come up with something like that?" I have wondered about, but there are many things that I come into contact with that are not allowing good to come from it. Of coarse, i criticized inventions such as these that are annoying and possibly dangerous inventions. One of pieces of technology that i believe should be uninvented is the In-flight mobile phone service. I love to travel and experience different cultures, however, with the invention of the in-flight mobile phone service you are no longer able to avoid contact for the several hours of travel which adds to the stress of travelling.With the implementation of technology that enables passengers to talk on their mobile phones and have access to wireless Internet while on-board, they are no longer able to escape and experience new cultures and break down the "always-on" motto. I believe, as technology continues to evolve there will be more and more useless inventions created, however, if that is the only negative aspect and no harm comes from it, I am not going to complain about the advancement in technology.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan was born July 21st, 1911 and died on December 31st, 1980. He was a Canadian educator, philosopher and scholar. He was a professor of English literature, a literary critic, a rhetorician and a communication theorist. Marshall McLuhan is known for his literature The Medium is the Massage and the global village; where he describes the key points of change in how man has viewed the world and how these views were changed by the adoption of new media. His work is viewed as a building block to understanding the study of media theory. He played a major role in media discourse from the late 1960s until his death, however, he continues to be an influential and controversial figure in media. After his death he was named the patron saint of wired magazine demonstrating how important he was to the study of media. McLuhan's insight was that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not by the content delivered over the medium, but by the characteristics of the medium itself.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The influence of media

I very much enjoyed the presentation in IDC on Thursday involving the influence of media. I had previously seen some of the commercials that we were analysing and thought nothing much of them. I know media has a great deal of influence on the society, however, I thought by just not caring about the commercial, I would not be influenced. But to my dismay without even thinking I have become a victim like many other people to media's hidden persuasions. Breaking down and analysing the commercials we were able to find the text and the subtext of each of them. The subtext being the hidden message portrayed to society, influencing to make unnecessary choices such as purchases. This message is not always a positive one. The message generally influences the viewers into doing something without even their knowledge. I had seen the Dove and many of the other commercials before, but I really took a liking for the dove ad. Before analysing it in a non bias fashion, I thought the commercial sent out a very positive message about the stereotypical body image and how it has become significantly distorted. Although, after finding the text and subtext of this commercial, I realised that it is sending out a bunch of mixed messages because it also fits in to the stereotypical company that influences the society. I wasn't surprised by the negative or forceful messages that are hidden within the commercials, however, without even realising it, people become trapped into media's forceful grasp. After watching the presentation, I have come to the conclusion that while watching TV, we must do so subjectively, be aware that there is a subtext in many ads and we must not be influenced by such hidden messages.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Media Consumption

I was surprised by the results of my Media Consumption Inventory. I did not realise how much I truly abuse the media. My estimation for the number of hours I spent in an average week consuming PRINT media was extremely close to the actual amount of time. However, the number of hours in an average week consuming ELECTRONIC media was significantly different. I do not spend much time consuming print media although I seem to spend a great amount of time consuming electronic media. The media I seem to consume the most is the hours I spend using the telephone or my cellphone. I also tend to spend a large amount of time surfing the Internet, listening to pre-recorded and watching the television. The hours I spend consuming electronic media could better be spent consuming print media although they both can have a positive and negative effect on my development. The media creates an image appealing to youth which controls the materialism teens incorporate in their daily lives. The media uses the vulnerability and desire to fit in of teens and confirms their self-esteem and discovery. However, the media also provides a positive influence including "Smoking kills", "Don't drink and Drive", and "Don't do Drugs" which are some of the ways that help youth learn the consequences. The media educates individuals about issues that do not arise in day to day conversations.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Multiple Intelligence Tests

After completing several multiple intelligence tests, I came to the conclusion that I learn and operate through communication and group relationships. This means that according to the theory of multiple intelligences developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner; a professor of education at Harvard University, I have an interpersonal intelligence. This means I excel in situations in which I work with others. I learn and work best in talking with people in groups. This would mean that I would not do well in a solitary career. I enjoy getting other people to work together and I generally consider myself a leader. If a person with interpersonal skills had a problem, they would go to others for help, which is why they would make a great producer. They would get the input of others to make the most informed and productive overall choice. Having interpersonal skills I am easy to get to know which is why I work well with others.