Saturday, February 6, 2010

Media Consumption

I was surprised by the results of my Media Consumption Inventory. I did not realise how much I truly abuse the media. My estimation for the number of hours I spent in an average week consuming PRINT media was extremely close to the actual amount of time. However, the number of hours in an average week consuming ELECTRONIC media was significantly different. I do not spend much time consuming print media although I seem to spend a great amount of time consuming electronic media. The media I seem to consume the most is the hours I spend using the telephone or my cellphone. I also tend to spend a large amount of time surfing the Internet, listening to pre-recorded and watching the television. The hours I spend consuming electronic media could better be spent consuming print media although they both can have a positive and negative effect on my development. The media creates an image appealing to youth which controls the materialism teens incorporate in their daily lives. The media uses the vulnerability and desire to fit in of teens and confirms their self-esteem and discovery. However, the media also provides a positive influence including "Smoking kills", "Don't drink and Drive", and "Don't do Drugs" which are some of the ways that help youth learn the consequences. The media educates individuals about issues that do not arise in day to day conversations.

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