Reality television is a genre of programming that presents generally "unscripted" dramatic and humorous situations. It documents real events starring ordinary people rather than actors
but is it really reality?
This genre of television has expanded significantly is the last few years. I can be found watching reality television a lot. It is probably my favorite type of program on television because I feel as though I can moderately relate to what is happening. It is nice to know what you are watching is real, although many reality programs are becoming very scripted. Reality television can either make yourself feel good about your life, or miserable about your circumstances, depending on what your watching. I believe that reality television may be harmful to some viewers because they will be sucked in to an unattainable reality. It gets ordinary people involved and allows them exposure to new ideas. This may result in a positive or a negative outcome. The type of reality television that I recommend is the home makeover programs. They provide positive results from what is happening. Many of the makeover programs are giving people a new chance at living. Although some of these programs take it to an unguessable level which is too far. The talent reality programs give stereotypes of what is hot and what is not, which is discriminating against a large number of people. They are merely looking for one type of talent and many people are hurt along the way. The strategy building shows are entertaining to watch, however, they turn people against each other, which is entertaining to watch, however, may create staged events. With the open access to reality television, people may become obsessed and want constant exposure whether it be for a bad thing such as the family who lied about their child being lost on a hot air balloon that took flight. I find very much entertainment in watching reality television, I do not get engrossed in it which is healthy because if that weren't the case I may believe everything that is happening on the television is what ones life is truly supposed to be like. If you are able to watch reality television with an open mind and not be manipulated, I believe reality television is an entertaining and realistic type of programming.